vt asylum support network (VASN)

In Vermont, the number of humanitarian status seekers has risen sharply in recent years, but the state’s capacity for legal and advocacy support has not kept up. With one of the lowest attorney-to-population ratios in the country, Vermont has struggled to provide humanitarian status seekers with the legal representation they need, whether paid or pro bono. In response, community-based organizations have stepped up to fill the gap. One example is the Community Asylum Seekers Project (CASP), which became VAAP’s first fiscal sponsor in 2016.

Today, while VAAP works on legal matters to help noncitizens meet their long term goals using legal strategies, community partners build a supportive community for asylum seekers in Vermont by offering them with immediate safety and material needs, such as housing, food, employment, transportation, and trauma support services. Several organizations across VT and the Upper Valley affiliate as the Vermont Asylum Support Network. They are joined in the work of community case management and resource generation by aligned advocates, service providers, and affinity organizations across the state. Check out the VASN affiliates below, and review our site to learn about other partners providing critical legal and material supports.