Reminder: Stream AALV and VAAP Training on demand

Reminder that the December 2024 Know Your Rights session that AALV and VAAP presented at the O.N.E. Community Center in Burlington was recorded in English, Spanish, French, and Haitian Creole and is available on demand thanks to Vermont Language Justice Project.

Access the recording here:

Access VJLP’s other recordings here:

Are you interested in hosting VAAP for legal orientation, Know Your Rights, Q&A and myth busting, or other training?

VAAP charges a flat fee of $500 for tailored community education presentations regardless of virtual/live format, geography, audience size, length, or content.

We are especially interested in events that meet the needs of rural Vermonters, and we encourage organizations to partner to minimize costs on any one organization or entity.

Contact Jill at to request VAAP education.


Immigration & ICE Rights Webinar Recording


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