Day of Action March 11 at VT state House
Tuesday March 11, 2025
VT Day of Action for Immigrants at the Vermont State House
10:00AM in Room 1: SB44 to create oversight of state contracts with federal immigration authorities!
11:15AM in Room 27: SB25-0841 provisions to protect immigrant families from discrimination in housing
1:30PM in Room 4: SB56 to create state authority to coordinate immigrant services for ALL foreign-born populations, in addition to refugees, to maximize efficiency
March 11th is a CRITICAL DAY to support Vermont immigrant communities in the State House this session
SHARE on social media and with your email networks
JOIN US at the State House to make our presence felt. No RSVP needed - open to the public!
TESTIFY in support of these immigrant protection measures by emailing your support for this suite of legal protections to committee assistants:;;
Read about these bills here and download resources here:
VAAP ONA backgrounder on service coordination
Migrant Justice background document on fair housing, plus media coverage by
VAAP backgrounder on oversight for DHS contracts
VAAP director reflecting on it all on VPIRG’s podcast