Policy Updates: February 2025


Beginning this month, VAAP will add to our “monthly roundup” routine a single monthly blog post collating key immigration law, policy, and practices updates, in addition to more considered deep-dive practice alerts and advisories addressing more deeply understood, VT-relevant, and lasting changes as they take effect. To caveat the information featured below, we share the following message from the VT State Refugee Office:

the big picture:

This month:

Also on VAAP’s Website:

  • Visit our growing Community Resources library for self-help information on immigration law, policy, and practice, as well as guidance to community groups and nonprofits.

  • View our growing Attorney Resources library for practice advisories directed toward legal worker audiences, as well as guidance to direct service providers.

  • Follow Common Good VT’s analysis of 2025-26 legislative changes at the state and national levels here: February 6, 2025 updates.


VAAP Presents with Representative Becca Balint


Free press features VAAP and Partners